photo by Thierry Hauswald
“…the importance of subject matter is paramount mostly for the choreographer. <…> For the audience it often makes very little difference what a dance is about…” (Doris Humphrey in The Art of Making Dances)
Very often dynamic art forms, such as dance, do not leave any space for contemplation during the moment of observation, it is usually reserved for after the process of seeing the work. What is special about static art forms, such as painting or sculpture, is the possibility of getting new insight about the work over and over again as one sees it. And although an attempt to combine a dynamic art form with the possibility to observe it as a static one is always destined to fail, it is nevertheless valuable.
This solo performance is based on multiple repetitions of a single movement phrase. Each repetition of the phrase builds up its richness and complexity by imperceptible changes to the preceding repetition. Thus one long movement phrase is created which seems to be the same every time, yet evolves considerably from the beginning to the end of the performance without actually having an instant of time where one could pinpoint the change. Together with a persistent and trance-inducing soundtrack composed by Lithuanian artist Gedas Mekšriūnas, this solo is an antidote to multitudes of stimuli that we are surrounded by in a world that leaves no space, and no time for slowing down.
choreographer and dancer
Dovydas Strimaitis
Gedas Mekšriūnas
financed by